Thursday, February 5, 2009

28 weeks

I went for my 28 week appointment today. I am measuring great and the baby is finally head down. He weighs 2 lbs and 4 oz. I had an ultrasound and everything looks good there too. My placenta is totally out of the way of my cervix, which is wonderful!! No C-Section for me! (Hopefully.) There has been a shadow on his heart that they were concerned about but that has resolved itself as well. I had to do that nasty sugar test. (You have to drink a nasty drink and wait an hour and then they take your blood. Fun.) I also got a shot in the butt. (Even more fun.) I am Rh negative which means I have to get a shot now and then right after the baby comes. I had to do the same thing with Jenna. (Read more about it here) It was an eventful day at the doctor but everything is right on track now. We're getting so excited about him coming soon! In this picture he is playing with the cord up to his mouth. Funny.