Thursday, April 23, 2009

Almost ready!

We are getting ready for little Carson to get here! I am cleaning my house, slowly but surely, doing a little bit everyday. (Actually I over did it, my doctor told me today to go get in the bed...opps!) We have all the baby stuff set up and our bags packed and ready by the door. I still have to go to the grocery store but that's the last big thing besides the house getting finshed.
I can't believe its finally here. I am so ready for that little guy to get here! I'm not so sure that Jenna knows what is about to happen..she will find out soon enough...but right now she is enjoying playing with all the "new" baby toys. She gets a little frustrated with them because she thinks they should do more...I keep telling her that baby toys are boring...all you do she shake them but she doesn't seem to be satisfied with that. Oh well.
We have to be at the hospital at midnight on Monday night/Tuesday morning. Angela(midwife) thinks we will have a baby by 2:00 that afternoon! Wahoo! Monday night, here we come!