Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Carson James

Everything went GREAT with the labor and delivery of Carson. Angela broke my water at 8:30am, I started pushing at 12:30 and Carson James Edgeworth was born at 12:37. I was amazed at how fast it went. Everyone was telling me the second one went faster but I didn't know it would be that fast! I pushed with Jenna for an hour and 15 min. Right after I had him, Angela kept telling me he was a big baby. She made everyone in the delivery room guess how much he weighed. Everyone kept guessing 8 lbs and something...I couldn't believe it. Who knew I was carrying a baby that was 8 lbs 10 oz...NOT ME! We were so excited that our baby boy was here.

The hospital stay was fine...as good as sleeping in a hospital can be. Carson didn't eat as much as they wanted him to but he is learning and doing better every day.

Here we are finally going home from the hospital!!