Monday, December 15, 2008

Our Weekend

I haven't gotten my pictures yet but I will post them next weekend when I get the CD from my Cuz.

Jenna, Lindsey and I drove down to Daphne on Friday. Luckily Jenna did so great traveling! We told her that we were going to get to see her cousin Bella. So the whole trip, except for when she was sleeping, she was saying "Bella!" So that night Bella came over to play. They had a blast!! I can't wait to post the pictures. Jenna played with Play Dough for the first time. She only tried to eat it once, unlike Bella who ate it every chance she got! They also made Gingerbread cookies with Aunt Jerri. Jenna and Bella were covered in flour and ate cookie dough faster than we could get it away from them. They are going to be great little cousins!

Saturday was the main reason we went down to Daphne. Bay Community does an outreach every year called Merry Christmas Baldwin County. They give bikes, presents, and boxes of food to families in need. You can't imagine the turn out we had. I'll have pictures of that too. People started waiting 12 hours before the distribution even started. It was cold outside. Really cold. But that just shows that these people really did need food and presents for their kids. There are numerous stories every year of the way God is blessing these people through us and how God is blessing us through serving Him and giving. Its an amazing experience!

We were able to spend time with our family and also go to church and see everyone there too. We are heading back down there on Friday for Taylor Christmas. Burning the roads! Its worth it. I love it down there.