Monday, December 1, 2008


I should start out by saying that I'm a slacker and I didn't take one picture for Thanksgiving so sorry about that!
My family went to Henderson, NC this year for Thanksgiving. We weren't able to go so this was my first one without my family. They had a great time and got to see lots of family.
We went to Matt's mom's house on Thanksgiving Day. It was very good! We ate and watched football all day long. (What else are you supposed to do on Thanksgiving??) There were 16 of us there, I think. It was great to spend time with family and relax.
On Friday we went to Grandmother's house. The whole family wasn't there but we got together anyway. It was us, my grandparents and Anna, Brian and Brant. We ate brunch and then all went home to take a nap(except for Matt went to play golf..his new favorite thing to do!). Friday evening I put up my Christmas decorations but I'm saving that for the next post.
Saturday we drove down to Sand Mountain to see Matt's dad and his family. We watched the Iron Bowl(ROLL TIDE!) and ate veggie soup. The guys were supposed to go hunting Sunday morning but it was raining too hard. Sorry boys! We headed home around lunchtime in the rain.
That night we went to Mom's to eat BBQ she brought back from NC. It was wonderful! If you've never had BBQ from there, you are missing out! The guys went to the movies and the girls stayed at home and watched tv and played.
I did leave out one part of my story...SHOPPING! Matt's mom and I got up on Thanksgiving Day to go shopping. She picked me up at 6:45am. Matt's big Christmas present this year was on sale for that day only. It was a GREAT deal and we couldn't pass it up.
On Black Friday, I got up at 5:40am and went to Chattanooga. Call me crazy...I went to TOYSRUS! Yes...yes..I know. But I HAD to have the Little Tikes slide for my baby girl and I couldn't pass up the sale. It took me only 20 mintues to get what I needed in my buggy. It took me an hour and 45 mintues to check out! I was back home by 9:15.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. We are so thankful we got to spend so much time with all of our family.