Thursday, December 17, 2009

Museum again!

Anna and I took the kids to the museum again. It was interesting to see what they wanted to play with this time and what all they remembered. They both loved the water part! Jenna got two shirts soaking wet. I think Anna left with a bath too!
Ever since Jenna was a baby she has been scared of the hand dryers in public restrooms. I think most kids are. They have them in the water section there. I was trying to dry her first wet shirt and she came over to check it out. Here's what she did...

She liked the music and books and driving the little red car and she liked the sand again.
But her favorite part, this is going to surprise you...was the doctor's office with the baby dolls in it. Can you believe it? Ha!

And here is little Carson being a great sport!
The exhibit upstairs right now is Helping Hands. They have a section where you write cards to soldiers. I talked to one of the workers and gave them Matt's unit's address so they are sending them to the 252nd MP Company. I am so excited!!!

We had a great day!