Monday, December 7, 2009

Way to Go Jen!!

Jenna has been practicing for her performance in "big church" for weeks now. She can sing Away In A Manger(the whole song!!), a little bit of Joy to the World and most of a song called Little Me. She loves to sing and has done a great job learning her songs...

Having said that....

This Sunday was her performance. She went on stage in the first service without a tear. But only sang ONE line. "Little Me." In the second service she cried at first but stayed up there the whole time...without singing one word. She did clap after every song though. But for her first time she did a wonderful job!

Way to go Jen!
(My camera was on a weird setting and we didn't realize it...)


Grandmother said...

Love your new postings. Both of them are great. And it was so nice of you to get your tree out and put it up.